Friday, December 17, 2010

OK! first Post....

Hello although i know no one reads this because... well who would? I would like to post to first real blog post.
This post will be about PAPER CRAFT!  You have no idea how cute these are when made. All credit goes to desubunny at She made all patterns and i am just simply showing them.
 Deusubunny also has posted a tutorial to make these if you need help.  
If you would like the tutorial to be posted make a request i and i will have it up soon.
Here is a finished product:

Here is  patterns for example:

You can search on google "deviantart papercrafts" in images and get tons more patterns.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Things to Expect from this blog:

  • Kawaii things
  • DIYs
  • Japanese Culture and style
  • My personal crafts
  • Links to many online stores
  • advice if needed
  • paper, clay, sewing, and cosplay 
  • pokemon (yes i love em)

If you would like to see anything posted on this blog leave a comment and i will get back to you.
I promise to add things soon. 