Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Artist Feature 3: Joji Viktor Biernot "gutterface"

Joji is a BOY i must point out first.
He is from the U.S and is an experimental photographer, and a goth kid by heart :P
I love gutterface mostly because he is a boy who is unafraid to really express himself in these pictures!
Please enjoy and take a peep at his page:

This picture here of the mirrior is one of my favorite and has a poem to go with it:

His hands shook as the brushes slid across painted skin. He was covered in it. Fear and paint. Every inch of his face, every stretch of his skin was left with thick black smudges and thin white lines. Years he had been like this. Hidden behind all of it. Wax to coat his skin like a museum display. He wasnt quite himself without it... Uglier, he said, he was uglier without it. Those lines and those smudges had become a part of his skin and without them well, he shook. Just as he did when drawing them on with surgical precision...

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